Owned Entertainment, Inc. Published 06/04/2008 - 8:00 a.m. GMT
(PressMediaWire) AUSTIN, Texas,June 04, 2008- Owned Entertainment, Inc announced today that they have partnered with JP Berube's MMA-Underground(www.mma-underground.com). Eric Alfio, CEO of Owned Entertainment, comments, "This partnership will attract more support from the mixed martial arts community as well as increase our rapidly growing fan base. JP and his staff are excellent people to work with and are very knowledgeable in regard to this industry. I am very excited about our joint venture." MMA-Underground will also be covering different Owned Entertainment related events, the first being the auditions at Big John McCarthy's gym on June 22nd. A link has been placed on the Owned Entertainment's website for instructions on how to apply to be on the reality show.
About MMA-Underground and JP Berube
The MMA-Underground.com site issupported by real MMA fighters, people that train in MMA, and MMA enthusiasts and fans. The diverse perspectives offered in the blogs seem to both appeal to various facets of the MMA community at large, and ruffle the feathers of many others. The mission of the MMA-Underground.com team is to bring fans the truth;not a watered down, sugar coated version of the truth, but the reality of what is happening in MMA today.
The site is run by JP Berube, whostarted out as a developer at the LA Times. Berube started the MMA Blogs experiment at the Times, but was quickly introduced to the folks at CombatWire.com. Since CombatWire.com is a partner site of the Tribune, a subsidiary of the LA Times, Berube is focusing his attention on LA.CombatWire.com and on getting his team's articles and interviews onto the various Tribune sites. Berube, being a religious fan of the sport, also trains in MMA two to three times a week. There is a whole team of contributors to the MMA-Underground.com blog and the list seamlessly continues to grow every day. Companies, writers, and friends cannot wait to be a part of the synergistic force known as MMA-Underground.com.
About Owned Entertainment
Owned Entertainment, Inc. has emerged as a player in the area of independent film production and distribution, once monopolized by the major film studios. The company engages in investing, producing, and distributing full-length feature films as well as TV projects, video games, and other entertainment entities. Along with its controlling equity interest in 'All That I Need,' released in theatres December 2005, there are several other projects in the making, including: 'The Other Side' and 'Descendant,' written by Damir Catic and Eric Alfio, the MMA movie 'Own3D' by James Hergott,'Brothers' by Tarquin Gotch (whose credits include 'Home Alone,' 'Curly Sue,'Ferris Bueller's Day Off'), and a reality show set in the world of MMA which will be filmed in California this summer. Owned Entertainment, Inc.'s mission is to produce high quality and highly enjoyable feature films that will be widely distributed in the mainstream media markets. The corporate offices for Owned Entertainment, Inc. reside in Austin, Texas and Southern California. Owned Entertainment, Inc. has recently announced it will be adding an Interactive Entertainment division to focus on video game development. Owned has a partnership with IMMAE (immae.tv), the premier MMA expo as well as The NoHolds Barred Show (www.thenhbshow.com),which broadcasts live Sunday nights on Sirius satellite ch. 122 and 56affiliates FM/AM nationwide as well as American Forces Network.
The Owned Entertainment,Inc. logo is available a thttp://www.primenewswire.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=4303
Owned Entertainment, Inc.
Eric Alfio, CEO
Press release:
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