by Penny Buffington of MMA-Underground.com
Carl Douglas sang "Everybody was Kung Foo Fighting"; this song I hear lately over and over in my head. I switched it up a bit though and sing to myself, "Everybody was Cung Le fighting." Sometimes I sing it out loud, like when I was playfully throwing my version of a leg kick at my 16 year old son and knocked my knee on the corner of the doorway. My son was looking at me like I was a retard.
Cung Le doesn't look like a retard throwing a leg kick. Or a flying back fist, flying leg scissors etc. He, instead, looks unbelievably gifted. The woe's and the aah's flow freely from my mouth as I watch this Mixed Martial Artist work his way to superstardom. When I spoke with him this past Saturday, I told him he was a freak of nature. Gosh, I hope he knows I was giving him a compliment!
Click here to see the full interview with Cung Le
nice article Penny... A+
Great article Penny! Cung Le is the man!
very good read penny, good job
The first part was very true, lol, Very good article i can tell you put alot of work into it and ive seen you put alot into it.. late nights and long days. ☺
Nice job I'm sure he knows it was a compliment hopefully?? :)
hell yeah mi pennies~~!!! my lil creative east sider. awesome interview can't wait for next week's article!!
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