Houston Alexander vs. James Irvin
James Irvin looked like a guy that was winding up to knock one out of the park when he gets the TKO against Alexander in only 8 seconds, tying the UFC's fastest knockout record. The superman punch wasn't the one that did Alexander in; it was one coming from the top while Alexander was down on the mat. Alexander makes gestures to the crowd pleading that he was "still conscious". In my opinion, Mazzagatti did the right thing.
Karo Parisyan vs. Thiago Alves
Karo was clearly dominating Alves. It looked like Karo's night. Suddenly, in round 2, Alves steps up and brings Parisyan a face-full of knee. Parisyan is down with arms flailing as Alves delivers a few strikes. Mazzagatti does the right thing again.
Some of these guys are way too emotionally attached to the outcome of the fights for their own good. Parisyan looked like he had been KO'd mentally after the fight was stopped. So why all the controversy? Even if these guys are out for a second there is the potential for major damage. MMA is relatively safe because of these kinds of stoppages and it is for the fighters' own good. We need to give the referees a break unless we've walked in their shoes. Nobody likes to lose a fight, but brain damage or other serious injury is a much worse alternative!
Absolutely, Mazagatti did the right thing. If you're out you're out. Plain and simple. But don't make yourself look like an idiot by swearing you were concious the whole time and just trying to get up.
i just think alexander was shocked and in disbelief that he lost so quickly but yeah the ref did the right thing to stop the fight. i would love to see a rematch.
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