MMA Underground

A site for MMA Fans and fighters
by MMA Fans and Fighters.

Monday, February 2, 2009

MMA is great, so why the hate?

My question is why do the media, other sports, and the older generation always seem to be hating on mixed martial arts? We need to be educating more about how safe it really is compared to other main stream sports. I practice mma on a regular basis and I can say personally that I have received a lot more injuries from playing basketball and even tennis. I have had three leg surgeries from my time on the hardwood and on the tennis courts and have had only minimal injuries from practicing mma. In most cases mma is taught by professionals with many years of experience and have rigorous training techniques that they follow to ensure the safety of the participants. I have followed mma religiously since 1997 and what would invite all the nay sayers to compared the stats from mma to football, soccer, baseball, basketball, to see which has more injuries. Thanks, Jason Frisby

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