Quinton "Rampage" Jackson vs. Forrest Griffin
The first round begins as both fighters trade punches without any landing. Griffin lands the first strike with a right hand lead. Griffin works the lead leg of Jackson with some leg kicks. Jackson connects with a left hook. Griffin lands a left jab and follows with a leg kick. Jackson throws a combination that contained a left hand that rocked griffin. Griffin responds with a straight right and leg kick. Jackson counters with a right uppercut that knocks Griffin down to the canvas. Rampage jumps on Griffin and lands in full guard. Jackson pushes Griffin against the cage. Griffin gets back to his feet but eats a right hand. The second round begins as Griffin lands a leg kick that hurts Jackson. Jackson's knee buckles and he is forced to retreat to the fence. Griffin goes for a guillotine and trips Jackson down to the canvas. Griffin gives up the guillotine but is now in top control. Griffin advances to side-control and goes for an Americana. Griffin gives up the Americana but advances to the mount. Griffin connects with some elbows and left hands. Griffin continues to elbow the head but is doing limited damage. Griffin dominates the second. The third round begins as Griffin continues to attack the leg of Jackson. Jackson is avoiding the high volume of leg kicks but Griffin is still landing a few. Jackson is limping badly from the leg kicks but continues to look for the knockout. Jackson rocks Griffin with a right hand. Jackson has trouble following up with the right hand. Griffin continues to stick and move avoiding the power shots of Jackson. Jackson lands a right hook to the body. Griffin takes some punishment but moves away. The fourth round begins as Jackson gets a takedown but is caught in a triangle choke. Griffin has the triangle locked in but has trouble controlling Jackson's trapped arm. Jackson escapes the triangle but is now fending off an omaplata. Jackson stands and connects with a hard right hand. Griffin now has a cut below his right eye. Jackson connects with a left-right combination as the round ends. The fifth round starts as both fighters look to land a big punch. Griffin connects with a straight right hand. Jackson lands a right hook. Griffin responds with a leg kick. Jackson goes for a big flurry. Griffin lands a leg kick as Jackson loads up for a knockout punch. Jackson is unable to land any shots and the round ends. Great fight for the belt. Three judges score the fight 48-46, 48-46, and 49-46 for the winner and new UFC Light Heavyweight champion Forrest Griffin.
Patrick "The Predator" Cote vs. Ricardo "Big Dog" Almeida
The first round starts as Almeida clinches up and pulls guard with a guillotine. Cote escapes the guillotine and is now in Almeida's guard. Cote stands up and sprawls out of an Almeida takedown attempt. Almeida ties up with Cote against the cage. Almeida goes for a single-leg but Cote defends well. Almeida switches for a double-leg takedown and Cote is on his back. Almeida tries to advance from half-guard but Cote shows some good ground defense. Almeida stands up in the guard of Cote and connects with some left hands. Almeida sits back down into Cote's guard. Almeida stands back up in guard and lands more effective strikes. Almeida takes the round with good ground-and-pound. There is an extended break between rounds as Almeida has a torn glove. The second round begins as Almeida goes for a takedown but is forced to pull guard. Cote escapes from Almeida's guard and stands up. Cote is careful to not get taken down and stays patient with his striking. Almeida clinches up and gets an under hook but has trouble tripping Cote down to the canvas. Almeida attempts to pull guard but fails on the attempt. The crowd begins to boo as the action slows down. Almeida attempts to pull guard with a guillotine. Cote smacks Almeida with a right hand as the round ends. The third round starts as Cote lands a jab and uses good footwork. Cote connects with a right hand and a low kick. Almeida responds with very little offense as he is exhausted. Almeida lands a one-two combination to Cote Almeida scores a takedown with 35 seconds remaining in the fight. Almeida advances to side-control and attempts a choke as time expires. One judge scores the fight 29-28 in favor of Ricardo Almeida. Two judges score the fight 29-28 for Patrick Cote. Patrick Cote walks away with a split decision victory.
Joe "Daddy" Stevenson vs. Gleison Tibau
The first round begins as both fighters trade strikes in middle of the Octagon. A right hand from Stevenson sends Tibau off balance. Stevenson goes for a guillotine and pulls guard. The guillotine is defended well by Tibau. Stevenson stands up and gets a double-leg takedown. Tibau now has a deep omaplata on Stevenson. Stevenson is caught in the submission but seems to be in little trouble. Stevenson relaxes on the canvas and tells referee Steve Mazzagati to stand the fight up. Mazzagati says he won't stand it up. The round ends as Stevenson is still stuck in the omaplata. The second round begins as Stevenson gets a double-leg takedown on Tibau. Tibau defends the takedown and forces Stevenson against the fencing. Tibau throws a flurry of punches but doesn't connect and gets a takedown. Tibau quickly advances to side-control and mounts shortly after. Tibau loses the mount as he steps over to attempt a triangle choke. Stevenson gets back to his feet and pulls guard with an arm in guillotine. Tibau is forced to tap quickly. Stevenson wins 2:57 into the second round.
Josh "Kos" Koscheck vs. Chris "Lights Out" Lytle
The first round begins as both fighters are very cautious the first 2 minutes. Koscheck takes Lytle down but Lytle has guillotine choke from his half-guard. Koscheck escapes the choke and attacks the midsection of Lytle with his left hand. Lytle controls the position by holding Koscheck's head. Lytle attempts to get to butterfly-guard and Koscheck almost advances to the mount. Lytle gets back to full guard and Koscheck connects with a hard right hammer fist as the bell sounds. The second round begins as Koscheck gets a single-leg takedown and is stuck in another guillotine from half-guard. Koscheck gets his head free from the choke and begins to tee off with strikes from the half-guard of Lytle. Lytle now has a cut above his right eye. Koscheck begins to land a large volume of left and right hooks from half-guard. Lytle is stuck against the fencing eating a lot of punches and elbows. Lytle goes for a heel hook but Koscheck defends well. Lytle now has 2 cuts above his right eye and there are pools of blood on the canvas. The third round begins as Lytle is still bleeding from cuts over his right eye. Koscheck gets a takedown on his second attempt in the third round. Koscheck throws more elbows on the ground and the cuts are opened even wider. Referee Yves Lavigne is watching the action but doesn't stop the action for some reason. The fighters are stood up by Lavigne. Lytle connects with a flurry of punches but the round ends. Koscheck dominates the fight and wins via unanimous decision by the scores of 30-26, 29-27, and 30-28.
Tyson Griffin vs. Marcus "Maximus" Aurelio
The first round begins as Griffin connects with a straight right hand to the body. The crowd begins to boo 45 seconds into the fight due to slow action. Griffin loads up on his strikes but is short of his target each time. Griffin pushes Aurelio down to the canvas and is standing over throwing right hands. Griffin tries to avoid the guard of Aurelio but Aurelio has a hold of his left hand. Griffin gets free and connects with some hard punches before standing up. Griffin connects with a hard right to the midsection and a hard low kick. Griffin connects with another right body shot. Aurelio tries to get a single-leg takedown but Griffin easily defends. The second round begins as Griffin scores three body shots in the first 45 seconds. Griffin continues to strike the body to set up a chin shot but Griffin has not been close at all. Aurelio shoots again for another single-leg but Griffin defends easily. Griffin and Aurelio are now clinched up against the fence with Griffin utilizing foot stomps. Griffin slams Aurelio down to the canvas. Aurelio takes Griffin's back briefly but Griffin advances to top control. Aurelio attempts a triangle but Griffin defends well. The third round begins as connects with a low kick and a right hook. Griffin scores with a left uppercut to the liver. Griffin follows with a left hook counter. Aurelio drops again for another single-leg but Griffin defends well again. Off of the sprawl, Griffin connects with two left hooks and a straight right hand. Griffin continues to dominate the fight with his strikes. Griffin lands a low kick that buckles Aurelio. Griffin takes Aurelio down with a single-leg. Aurelio attempts an armbar but Griffin defends well once again. Aurelio attempts another armbar, this time the right arm of Griffin. Griffin pulls free as the round ends. Aurelio has swelling and bleeding upon the right side of his face. Griffin dominates the fight and takes a unanimous decision. All three judges score the bout 30-27.
by Kurt Hall of mma-underground.com
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