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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Shonie Carter apologizes to Dana White and moves on from the UFC

When it comes to being a Jack of all trades, Shonie is the Jack of mixed martial arts. Nothing seems to bring this talented fighter down. He always has a backup plan; a, b, c, and d! I asked Shonie if he really was made to leave the UFC after remarks he made on a radio show. This is what he said, "It is so true. My mouth gets me trouble. I mean, I made a comment. What was it about? {I would box Dana White or Dana White... I mean, I didn't like the fact I wasn't being used. They weren't using me, so they could cut me if they want. } Sometimes I just get frustrated you know? I mean the whole scenario with this 6 fight exclusive deal stuff. Upon further reflection and upon much further review some might say that, was I right or was I wrong for saying that, but at the time that's how I felt. How I feel now, well I don't know. Not saying yes, not saying no if I was right or wrong. But, the way I look at it, I feel that if I had won my next 5 fights in the UFC, would I have gotten a title fight? Probably not. I would still not be considered. So you know, I would love to be in the UFC, but I'm not going to beg for anybody to put me in a fight in the UFC. I have a fight on NBC June, 27th. If I made Dana White mad, I guess I can say as a man, I am sorry. But I still will box him!"

Shonie told me about his upcoming fight, "I'm fighting the Primetime Fighting Championship out there in Maryville, Indiana. At the Star Plaza, I'm the main event versus Demi Deeds. In his always comical style Shonie explained, "I plan on doing the dang thing. I've been working on jump spinning back fists. My training partner is, like what the hell, what the hell?" Shonie might like to make us laugh but he is smart enough to know, "The beautiful thing about training for a fight is you just don't know what's coming." That is why Shonie is ready with an arsenal of, "A little kung fu, a little Jiu-Jitsu, then you wonder who hit you. Maybe even some karate or some yoga; I might even wear a toga."

"It's one of those things that I do. You know?", Shonie jokes. One of them things is right. Shonie tells me of his many talents, "What can I say? I just do stuff. I've refed, I've judged, I've promoted, worked security, I've even done ring card guy." He has also appeared on television shows and movies. "I'm trying to spread it out. I want to strike irons to the fire", Shonie said.

Shonie "Mr. International" Carter is ready to bring his unique style to Primetime. Watch the fights June 27th. To show Shonie support you can go to his MySpace page:

Here are the audio clips from Penny Buffington's interview with Shonie Carter:

by Penny Buffington of


krthll1 said...

Oh my god Shonie Carter is so awesome. Jumping Spinning Backfists? I wanna see that pulled off in a fight.

Anonymous said...

Shonie is something else....thanks for the interview Penny!

Anonymous said...

shonie is a over the hill loudmouth punk,he's not in the ufc because he doesn't belong in the ufc anymore,his day has come and gone..maybe he should do stand up comedy...i'm tired of laughing at his detiorating skills..