MMA Underground

A site for MMA Fans and fighters
by MMA Fans and Fighters.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

I want to start training in mixed martial arts. How do I get started?

This is one of the most common questions I am asked. Today boxing, kickboxing and mixed martial arts are not only spectator sports; they are exciting, calorie burning workouts. The American Council on Exercise (ACE) 2008 Fitness Trend Predictions listed boxing as one of the top workouts rising in popularity. It is not hard to see why. Combat sports offer incredible cardiovascular conditioning as well as a great amount of muscle toning from the anaerobic component. Most people think of weight lifting when they think of anaerobic exercise. Any exercise that stresses the muscles at a high intensity for a short duration of time is anaerobic. An exercise of low intensity over a long period of time is aerobic. Martial Arts are approximately 70-80% anaerobic and 20-30% aerobic. The result is a workout that not only helps you loose weight, but makes you ripped. People also love the adrenaline rush from all the kicking and punching. It's very stress relieving to hit something. If one trains in a group class, the social aspect can be appealing; it's a great way to meet friends. Many boxing and martial arts gyms foster a feeling of teamwork and family. Many of my students tell me they love the training because they don't feel like they are working out. They are having fun, learning a new skill and forgetting that it is hard work. So how do you get started with this amazing workout? Here are a few simple tips to consider when you begin your path of the warrior.

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