MMA Underground

A site for MMA Fans and fighters
by MMA Fans and Fighters.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

MMA Promotion - Get Those Seats Filled

As a promoter I feel that I should make my way to other promoters' events. Many are friends and I am going to show support for their show. Often times I will take fliers for my events or handout business cards. I offer the same to other promoters who attend my events. It helps in many ways. It helps to promote your event and also network with fighters and other people in the industry. Most of us share a common goal, to sell out our events. Most of us got into the promotion side because we love MMA but, we also want to show a profit for the long hours and mind numbing work we do in promoting our events. It is the same for almost every event. You don't truly know what kind of turn out you will have unless the show sold out before hand. You don't know how many of the fighters will be a no show and there are no shows at most events. Last minute problems throw you off and take up valuable time. So what are ways to help avoid these problems?

Click here to read the full article

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